Common Questions About Acupuncture

What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient form of traditional chinese medicine where very thin needles are placed at specific acupuncture points to stimulate the movement of chi. Similar to humans, acupuncture points in animals are located along several pathways on the body called meridians through which Qi flows. The needles cause a release of endogenous endorphins promoting relaxation and pain control. Restoring the smooth flow of chi throughout the body is thought to relieve chronic pain and treat disease in the body.

What is Qi? In Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicne (TCVM), Qi is the Life Force or energy that keeps our bodies alive and functioning. It flows along meridians through the body. Different meridians are associated with different organ systems in the body and the organ systems interact with each other in a way that produces balance within the body. When the flow of Qi is blocked, pain or disease in the body results.

Is acupuncture safe? Yes! Acupuncture is a very safe method of treatment with very few side effects. Some side effects that can be seen include a small amount of bleeding or bruising after a needle is removed, which is fairly uncommon, or a pet may sleep more following an acupuncture treatment or appear a little stiffer the day after treatment.

How does Acupuncture work? From a TCVM perspective, acupuncture needles placed at acupuncture points stimulate the flow of Qi to relieve pain and restore balance to the body’s organ systems. From a western medical perspective, stimulating acupuncture points releases beta-endorphins, serotonin, and norepinephrine to produce a physiological response. This leads to regulation of the immune system, improvement of circulation, and stimulation of the cardiovascular and the nervous system.

How do animals tolerate acupuncture? Most animals tolerate the sessions very well. Some acupuncture points can be more sensitive than others, but in general because the needles are very thin, most animals do not feel the needles once they are placed. Many animals may actually fall asleep during the treatment session.

How long does it take before I will see a benefit to my pet? The full benefits of acupuncture may or may not be seen after one session. I generally recommend committing to 3-5 sessions to see if there is an observable benefit. The therapeutic effect from acupuncture is cumulative, so as we see improvement, we can slowly extend the time between appointments, and develop a longterm treatment plan for your pet.

How frequently does my pet need to have acupuncture? The effects of acupuncture are cumulative, so once a therapeutic benefit is seen, we can slowly decrease the frequency of appointments until we reach a good maintenance level for a particular patient.